Treatment of cyanide poisoning consists of diverting the
cyanide into the production of cyanmetHb. First, some of
the normal hemoglobin is converted to methemoglobin by
intravenous infusion of a solution of NaNC
or inhalation
of amyl nitrite. Once metHb is formed, CN- can replace
OH- at position
of the iron, since it has a higher affin-
ity of Fe3+ than does OH . CyanmetHb is no more toxic
than metHb and cells containing it can be eliminated by
normal body processes. The cyanide bound to metHb is al-
ways in equilibrium with free CN- , and this uncomplexed
cyanide is converted to thiocyanate (SCN- ; nontoxic) by
administration of thiosulfate (Chapter
Glycated Hemoglobins
Several minor varieties of hemoglobin are produced by
nonenzymatic posttranslational modification (e.g., glyca-
tion). Because these minor hemoglobins are present in
such small amounts, none is pathological.
and e-amino groups of hemoglobin form
-deoxyfructose adducts upon reaction with glu-
cose (Chapter 2). Other hexoses can give rise to similar
adducts (e.g., galactose in galactosemia; Chapter 15). The
major sites of
in vivo
glycation in order of prevalence
are /J-Vall, /1-Lys66, a-Lys61, /3-Lysl7, and a-Vall. The
adduct formed with the amino terminus of the /3 chains
is known as HbAic, which makes up about 4-6% of the
total hemoglobin in normal red blood cells. Its concen-
tration is increased in uncontrolled diabetics who have
hyperglycemia. Glycated hemoglobins are detected as
a fast-moving hemoglobin in electrophoresis at alkaline
pH. Because HbAIC accumulates within the erythrocyte
throughout the cell’s normal life span, it is used as an
indicator of the success of long-term blood glucose con-
trol in diabetics (Chapter 22). Also known are adducts
of hemoglobin with glucose-
-phosphate and fructose-
-diphosphate, which probably compete with 2,3-DPG
for binding to the
chains of deoxyhemoglobin, and a
complex between hemoglobin and glutathione, particu-
larly in older erythrocytes.
Supplemental Readings and References
M. O. Arcasoy and P. G. Gallagher: Molecular diagnosis of hemo-
globinopathies and other red blood cell disorders.
S em in a rs in H e m a -
to lo g y
36, 328(1999).
G. F. Atweh, M. Sutton, L. Nassif, et al.: Sustained induction of fetal
hemoglobin by pulse butyrate therapy in sickle cell disease.
B lo o d
H. F. Bunn: Pathogenesis and treatment of sickle cell disease.
N ew E n g la n d
Jo u rn a l o f M ed ic in e
337, 762 (1997).
H. F. Bunn: Induction of fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell disease.
B lo o d
1787 (1999).
A. Cao, R. Galanello, and M. C. Rosatelli: Genotype-phenotype correlations
in /1-thalassemias.
B lo o d R eview s
, 1
M. Cazzola, F. Mercuriali, and C. Brugnara: Use of recombinant human
erythropoietin outside the setting of uremia.
B lo o d
89,4248 (1997).
D. H. K. Chui, R. Hardison, and C. Riemer: An electronic database of human
hemoglobin variants on the World Wide Web.
B lo o d
91, 2643 (1998).
S. C. Davies and L. Oni: Management of patients with sickle cell disease.
B ritish M e d ic a l J o u rn a l
315,656 (1997).
B. L. Ebert and H. F. Bunn: Regulation of the erythropoietin gene.
B lo o d
94, 1864(1999).
A. Ferster, C. Vermylen, G. Cornu, et al.: Hydroxyurea for treatment
of severe sickle cell anemia: a pediatric clinical trial.
B lo o d
, 1960
J. R. Girman, Y-L. Chang, S. B. Hayward, et al.: Causes of unintentional
deaths from carbon monoxide poisonings in California.
W estern Jo u rn a l
o f M ed icin e
168, 158 (1998).
F. Grosveld, E. De Boer, N. Dillon, et al.: Dynamics of globin gene expression
and gene therapy vectors.
A n n a ls o f th e N ew York A c a d e m y o f S cien ces
550, 18(1998).
C. C. W. Hsia: Respiratory function of hemoglobin.
N ew E n g la n d Jo u rn a l
o f M ed icin e
338, 239 (1998).
E. Liakopoulou, C. A. Blau, L. Qiliang, et al.: Stimulation of fetal
hemoglobin production by short chain fatty acids.
B lo o d
86,3227 (1995).
J. A. Little, N. J. Dempsey, M. Tuchman, et al.: Metabolic persistence of
fetal hemoglobin.
B lo o d
85, 1712 (1995).
J. M. Manning, A. Dumoulin, X. Lee, et al.: Normal and abnormal protein
subunit interactions in hemoglobins.
J o u rn a l o f B io lo g ica l C h em istry
P. G. McCaffrey, D. A. Newsome, E. Fibach, et al.: Induction of y-globin
by histone deacetylase inhibitors.
B lo o d
90, 2075 (1997).
R. T. Means Jr. and S. B. Krantz: Progress in understanding the pathogenesis
of the anemia of chronic disease.
B lo o d
80, 1639 (1992).
M. Noor and E. Beutler: Acquired sulfhemoglobinemia.
W estern Jo u rn a l o f
M ed icin e
169, 386 (1998).
N. F. Olivieri: The /З-Thalassemias.
N ew E n g la n d J o u rn a l o f M ed icin e
J. P. Scott, C. A. Hillery, E. R. Brown, et al.: Hydroxyurea therapy in children
severely affected with sickle cell disease.
J o u rn a l o f P ediatrics
128, 820
G. Serjeant: Sickle-cell disease.
L a n c e t
350, 725 (1997).
M. H. Steinberg: Management of sickle cell disease.
N ew E n g la n d Jo u rn a l
o f M ed icin e
340, 1021 (1999).
I. A. Tabbara: Erythropoietin.
A rc h iv es o f In te rn a l M ed icin e
153,298 (1993).
P. M. Tibbies and J. S. Edelsberg: Hyperbaric-oxygen therapy.
N ew E n g la n d
J o u rn a l o f M ed icin e
334, 1642 (1996).
D. J. Weatherall and J. B. Clegg: Genetic disorders of hemoglobin.
S em in a rs
in H em a to lo g y
36, 24 (1999).
H. E. Witkowska, В. H. Lubin, Y. Beuzard, et al.: Sickle cell disease in a
patient with sickle cell trait and compound heterozygosity for hemoglobin
S and hemoglobin Quebec-Chori.
N ew E n g la n d J o u rn a l o f M ed icin e
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